
Oppenheimer Review: A Riveting Dive into the Life of a Genius Physicist

Brilliant filmmaker Christopher Nolan returns with his highly anticipated new movie, “Oppenheimer,” which premiered yesterday. The filmmaker skilfully depicts Oppenheimer’s life, the film is a riveting dive into the life of a genius physicist with perfectly capturing the highs and lows of his journey. The film’s detailed narrative and tonal shifts make it a classic Nolan experience. Continue reading for a detailed review:


During World War II, Leslie Groves, a US Army Corps of Engineers Officer portrayed by Matt Damon, approaches J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist played by Cillian Murphy, to develop an Atomic Bomb. Oppenheimer and other physicists work on the project, leading to the successful development of the A-Bomb, which the US government later uses in the war. Subsequently, Oppenheimer is credited as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb.” However, after a few years, a trial is conducted on Oppenheimer. The movie tells the rest of his story, including the outcome of the trial and his subsequent actions.

Oppenheimer Review: The film explores the struggle of being emotionally driven in a world dominated by mathematics. The film’s tragedy is immense, and it highlights the human side of the director, Nolan, who empathizes deeply with his characters. It blends history with Nolan’s vision, resulting in a mix of political documentary, sci-fi, and hints of horror. The sound propels all aspects, from written text to exceptional performances by top actors.

Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer
Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer Star cast and Performances

Cillian Murphy delivers a remarkable performance as J. Robert Oppenheimer, skillfully portraying his evolution from a homesick boy in Europe to an accused Russian spy. He effectively utilizes his expressive eyes to convey Oppenheimer’s internal struggle. Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Lewis Strauss is almost unrecognizable, transitioning convincingly from a concerned individual to someone driven by personal vendetta. Matt Damon effortlessly captures Leslie Groves’ attitude. Emily Blunt shines in a powerful scene with Jason Clarke, proving her exceptional talent in the role.

Matt Damon in Oppenheimer
Matt Damon in Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer’s Selling Point

Christopher Nolan brings his signature style to a biopic of Oppenheimer, infusing true events with his unique storytelling. The film employs scattered timelines, diverse shooting techniques, and abstract montages to delve into Oppenheimer’s psyche. The movie’s impressive production captures the Atomic Bomb explosion without relying on CGI.

Emily Blunt in Oppenheimer
Emily Blunt in Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer’s Weak Point

The movie seems more focused on being clever than telling a meaningful human story. While there are some human moments throughout the three-hour film, they don’t come together to form a coherent storyline. Some viewers may find the 3-hour runtime boring, but those invested in the story won’t mind.

Robert Downey Jr. in oppenheimer
Robert Downey Jr. in oppenheimer

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