
Sachin Tendulkar Denounces “Disturbing” Deepfake Video Impersonating him

Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has spoken out against a concerning deepfake video that falsely depicts him endorsing a gaming app that supposedly helped his daughter Sara earn easy money. In a strongly worded social media post, Tendulkar termed the manipulated video as “disturbing” and a misuse of technology that spreads misinformation. He demanded swift action from authorities and social media platforms to curb the proliferation of deepfakes.

The realistic but fake video shows Tendulkar enthusiastically praising a mobile game called Skyward Aviator Quest, claiming it enabled his daughter to earn Rs. 1.8 lakhs daily with ease. The deepfake uses AI to accurately mimic Tendulkar’s voice, facial expressions and mannerisms to make the ad seem genuine.

Misuse of Technology for Unethical Purposes

However, the cricketing great has asserted that he did not make any such claims and the video is completely fabricated using deepfake technology. Deepfakes utilize artificial intelligence to produce manipulated videos or audios that appear authentic.

Tendulkar expressed concerns about the rampant misuse of technology to spread false information and create fraudulent media. He requested social media users to report such problematic videos, advertisements and apps in large numbers. The sports icon also urged platforms like X to take swift action against deepfakes by being more alert and responsive to user complaints.

This incident highlights how deepfake technology can be exploited to commit identity theft, defamation and financial fraud if left unregulated. As deepfakes become more advanced and widespread, they pose a serious threat to truth, trust and reputation in the digital world.

Prominent Personalities Under Threat

Tendulkar is not the first prominent figure to be impersonated by deepfakes. Earlier this year, a fake video of Bollywood actress Rashmika Mandanna went viral on social media before the Delhi Police took prompt action against the perpetrators.

Need for Solutions

With deepfakes making it harder to distinguish between real and fake, various stakeholders have to come together to tackle this emerging challenge:

Individuals should exercise caution before believing video content online and report suspected deepfakes. Being able to identify some common flaws in deepfakes can prevent their spread.

Tech companies need to prioritize detecting and limiting deepfakes using AI. Setting up dedicated reporting channels and responding promptly can also stem virality.

Law enforcement should identify and act against deepfake creators exploiting others’ identities for unethical purposes. Strengthening legal frameworks can also deter misuse.

Governments should consider regulating aspects of deepfake technology and advocating for digital literacy to make the public more resilient.

As Tendulkar emphasizes, combating the perils of deepfakes requires collective responsibility and action from all parts of society. With comprehensive solutions, the promise of emerging technologies like AI can be realized while protecting welfare in the digital age.


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