
Mumbai Police Arrest Rajasthan Man for Criminally Intimidating Salman Khan

In a startling turn of events, the Mumbai Police have apprehended a 25-year-old man from Rajasthan, identified as Banwarilal Laturlal Gujar, for allegedly issuing criminal threats against Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. The arrest comes in the wake of a recent firing incident outside Khan’s residence, which has heightened security concerns around the actor.

The Virtual Menace Uncovered

Gujar, hailing from the quaint town of Bundi in Rajasthan, found himself in the crosshairs of the law after posting a chilling video on his YouTube channel. In the video, he brazenly claimed to be associated with notorious gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar, and their cohorts, vowing to take Khan’s life unless the actor apologized – a reference that remains shrouded in mystery.

The Digital Trail Leads to an Arrest

The Mumbai Police’s swift action was prompted by the video’s alarming content, prompting them to deploy the specialized Anti-Extortion Cell of the Crime Branch. Through meticulous digital forensics and IP tracing, the team successfully tracked down Gujar in his hometown, leading to his arrest. Despite his attempts to conceal his identity through fictitious names and email addresses, the suspect’s mobile number proved to be the key that unraveled the digital maze.


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Legal Consequences and Ongoing Investigations

Gujar now faces serious charges under the Indian Penal Code, including Section 506(2), which deals with criminal intimidation, as well as provisions of the Information Technology Act. The police have expressed their commitment to conducting a thorough background check on Gujar’s criminal history, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice.

Echoes of a Previous Attack and Wider Implications

This arrest comes on the heels of a previous attack on Khan’s residence in Bandra, where two unidentified individuals on motorbikes opened fire in the early hours of April 14. Six arrests were made in connection with that incident, with one of the suspects tragically taking his own life while in police custody on May 1. Authorities have also implicated members of the Bishnoi and Goldy Brar gangs in a separate plot to target Khan at various locations, including his farmhouse in Panvel and shooting sites.

As the investigation continues to unfold, the Mumbai Police are poised to seek custody of the notorious Lawrence Bishnoi, currently incarcerated in Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati Central Prison. Meanwhile, his elusive brother Anmol, believed to be residing in Canada, has been declared a wanted accused in the firing case.

In conclusion, this arrest serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in combating the virtual realm’s potential for inciting violence and propagating criminal agendas. As the legal proceedings progress, the case underscores the need for heightened vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard public figures and maintain societal harmony.


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