
Zwigato Review: Kapil Sharma Impresses Fans

Zwigato is an Indian Hindi-language film in which Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami are the main characters. The movie premiered in theatres on March 17, 2023. The movie was shown for the first time at the Toronto Worldwide Film Festival in 2022.

Zwigato Review

People who bring us food have become an important part of our lives. We may give them ratings and tips, but how much do we know about what goes on behind the scenes while we wait for our food? Manas Mahto, which Nandita Das directed and write, gives us a look at this.

Movie talk about the problems that a certain group of people (the working class) faces because there aren’t enough jobs for them. The movie shows how hard Manas works every day. Manas  who is having trouble making ends meet, though he doesn’t like when his wife Pratima (Shahana Goswami) looks for a job to help support the family. In movie, we soon find out about things like how app companies dangle a carrot called “incentives” in front of drivers to get them to make as many deliveries as possible every day and how they are used in different ways.

The movie also shows how discrimination based on class and gender is a big part of our society. At times, many separate events have been put together, making it hard to follow. While the movie’s first half builds the world at its own pace, the second half moves slowly and sometimes even drag.

Several scenes, like when activist Govindraj (Swanand Kirkire) holds a protest or when a man of a different religion is attacked, seem a bit forced. Nandita and co-writer Samir Patil tell a story that is easy to understand, cinematographer Ranjan Palit shows the world of the common people through the dark alleys of Bhubaneshwar, where the story takes place.

People are used to Shahana’s skills as a performer, and once again, she does a great job, from her accent and body language to her expressions and mannerisms. Kapil, on the other hand, is a big surprise in this one. He does a great job playing his roles as a loving husband, snarky father, frustrated worker, and desperate man.


It’s good that stars like Kapil Sharma are willing to try out these kinds of movies, but more is needed to get good at these kinds of stories. The movie moves at a fixed depth, which may leave you feeling bored. Still, you should check it out due of its ambitions and the quality of its execution. The movie succeeds most well in making you feel terrible for those who work in unusual or difficult jobs to make your life simpler.