
Tejas Review: An Ambitious but Uneven Attempt

Kangana Ranaut’s latest film ‘Tejas’ hit theaters on October 27th. The film revolves around an Indian Air Force pilot named Tejas Gill (played by Ranaut), who is determined to serve her country. ‘Tejas’ aims high with its patriotic plot and high-octane aerial action sequences, but does not fully stick the landing due to an uneven narrative and inconsistent performances.

A Promising Premise

‘Tejas’ follows the journey of Tejas Gill, an ambitious fighter pilot who is eager to prove herself and live up to her family’s legacy in the IAF. After completing her training, Tejas quickly establishes herself as a skilled pilot who is not afraid to break the rules if it means saving lives.

The film’s premise sets up an interesting underdog story about Tejas’ quest to fight gender stereotypes and terrorism while proudly serving her nation. Her character had the potential to inspire and entertain. Unfortunately, the execution falls short.

Uneven Storytelling

A major issue with ‘Tejas’ is its haphazard narrative structure. The film awkwardly jumps between past and present as it tries to establish Tejas’ backstory. There are also tonal inconsistencies, with some scenes heavy on nationalist sentiment while others aim for levity.

The villains are laughably incompetent, making Tejas’ mission to foil their plans seem too easy. The film picks up pace in the second half with some well-executed action, but the overall plot lacks depth or nuance.

Kangana’s Inconsistent Acting

As the top-billed star playing the title role, Kangana Ranaut needed to deliver a captivating performance to carry this film. Sadly, her acting in ‘Tejas’ is far from her best work.

In the first half, Kangana struggles to portray Tejas as a cadet. Her line delivery is stilted and excessive emoting results in unintentionally comedic scenes. She settles into the character better in the second half, especially during the action scenes. But her performance lacks consistency overall.

Supporting Cast’s Contributions

While Kangana falters in the lead, some supporting cast members shine brighter. Anshul Chauhan puts forth an effortlessly amusing performance as Tejas’ colleague Afia. Her comic timing and quirky persona add needed levity to the film.

Veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi brings gravitas to his limited screen time. The villains played by Rajat Kapoor and M. Nasser however come across as superficial.

Hits and Misses

‘Tejas’ does succeed in a few areas. The aerial combat sequences in the film’s second half are sleekly shot. Kangana excels in these tense action scenes set aboard fighter jets. Her character also conveys a positive message about female empowerment.

But the film’s weaknesses prevent it from fully realizing its potential. Besides the narrative issues, the VFX work in ‘Tejas’ is glaringly subpar. For an aviation action thriller, poorly rendered aircraft and backgrounds are big minuses.

An Uneven Patriotic Tale

‘Tejas’ had all the right ingredients to be an entertaining patriotic drama centered on a strong female protagonist. But director Sarvesh Mewara’s muddled vision hampers the film. The promising premise, high-octane action, and Kangana’s star power alone cannot compensate for the messy writing and haphazard execution.

Diehard fans of the lead star may overlook the flaws. But for most viewers, ‘Tejas’ does not do justice to the inspiring story it aimed to tell. While ambitious in scope, the film lacks finesse and feels uneven. This bumpy ride may not fully satisfy those looking for a slick, well-made aviation action thriller.

Final Verdict

‘Tejas’ is a well-intentioned but undeniably flawed attempt to deliver a patriotic, female-led action drama. Kangana Ranaut pours passion into the film, but is hampered by the wayward screenplay. While the story has merit and some scenes work well, the overall product feels hastily assembled.

For the film to truly soar, the writing needed more depth and nuance. The narrative structure required tighter editing to flow smoothly. And Kangana needed a script that allowed her acting chops to shine consistently.

There are glimpses of a compelling film here, tucked between overly dramatic dialogues and VFX missteps. But ‘Tejas’ does not come together as a cohesive, inspiring story. It has its high points, but the lows outweigh them.

The film’s short runtime is a silver lining, making the bumpy ride bearable. Fans of Kangana and aviation action may derive some enjoyment from ‘Tejas.’ But it’s unlikely to make a lasting impact.

With flawed writing and execution, ‘Tejas’ fails to reach the heights it aimed for. The film has heart, but lacks finesse. This effort is commendable for its intent but proves unsatisfying as a piece of cinema.

2.5 out of 5 stars

Key Takeaways

  • Ambitious patriotic premise with a strong female lead
  • Uneven storytelling and tonal inconsistencies
  • Kangana Ranaut’s performance lacks consistency
  • Supporting cast provides highlights
  • Well-executed action scenes
  • Messy narrative hampers its potential
  • Short runtime makes it bearable
  • Laudable intent but unsatisfying execution
  • Does not fully deliver on its inspiring vision



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